EnAct Community Development will be running a radio campaign in August and September to make people aware of their Workforce Development Program and how it can help low-income residents seek better job opportunities. Here is a copy of what everyone will hear:
Finding a job to take care of yourself and family can be tough. A lot of doors aren’t opened when you can’t’ afford training, transportation, and other job necessities. EnAct Community Action is here to help open doors! EnAct’s Workforce Development Program has great educational and retraining opportunities for low-income residents – like tuition assistance for medical, construction, chemical and other industries. EnAct can also help you with the cost of gas cards, books, specialized clothing, and more to help you get the job you need to move forward in your life. Call or visit one of EnAct Community Action’s offices nearest you for more information. OPENING DOORS TO YOUR SUCCESS – ENACT COMMUNITY ACTION!